Friday, October 26, 2007

Welcome To The Rutledge Room

Have you ever wondered how everyone is doing or wanted to throw one of those TIGHT Rutledge gatherings? Now there is a place for you to let everyone know how you are doing or place an invitation to your throwdown!! You can add a posting for anything you want. I must warn you, be careful what you say or our page will be deleted.

This blog will be updated as often as possible, so check it out at least once a week to get any updates that may occur.

Happy blogging!!


The Rutledge Room said...

I will replace my picture with one of William and Algene Rutledge as soon as someone can get me one. Otherwise, you all will have to keep looking at my BEAUTIFUL face!!

Anonymous said...

If anyone have suggestions of other items we can add to the page, let me know.

Anonymous said...

This is really cool!! Along with Tam's picture being replaced, can we have some of our logo's posted? Just to give it the Rutledge Authencity!! I will vistit this site often...I'm excited to start blogging and reading other family members blogs..Hopefully everyone who can will...

So what's new?? Everyone looking forward to Thanksgiving?

Anonymous said...

Hello family! I am so excited about or page. I'd like to thank Tam for her wonderful work in putting this together.This is a great start to a great REUNION. Keep logging on and keeping up with The Rutledge Family. We are about to do a new thang! God bless you anf keep you is my prayers!

Veronica Mchoward

Shay said...

Hey yall this is Shay just saying i like this it is cool,I hope that all the family finds out about it so we can talk.Love yall always.

Anonymous said...

Tam add me to the e-mail address space.

Anonymous said...

My e-mail adress is
P.S. This is Shay writting this for me.

Iris said...

Tam add me to the email address space too. It's

Iris said...

How about adding pictures of the family. Just a suggestion

Anonymous said...

Hello,this is shay my grandma(aunt mary-ann)birthday is tuesday dec.4 we are taking her to Golden Carrell she dont know i have invited u all but its a surprize so keep it on the DL.Call me if u would like to attend,call by this saturday and if im not here just leave a message and say shay this is who ever call me back.
Thank- U
Love Shay
P.S. Its the one in hoover at 6:00 don be late,its in the back room.

Anonymous said...


Iris said...

and those were black people believe it or not

Anonymous said...

Whats up Rutledge Family! Buck & kerry, ya'll two are crazy!lol The site is nice, good job Tam. Add me as an email contact as well: Thanx and I love you all! -Markell (Mr. Polo)

Iris said...

what's ging on with the website? no one has added anything else to the site. But anyway just saying hello to everyone and letting everyone know that I got engaged on Christmas.